Monday, November 22, 2010

Back into the swing of things...

Hello to my beloved readers and adherents alike. Today was one which was regrettably uneventful- you know, the ones where you wake up, blink about three times while staring at the cieling and think "shit... I have absolutely nothing to do today". Or maybe that's just me. Either way, it has come to my subliminal attention that I have been neglecting my profound writing hobby, and thought it best to pick things back up again.
As it is more in my nature to be on the cryptic side when it comes to my writing, I'm going to be unusually blatant in this particular little piece and delve into my recent trip to the windy city. Ahh, Chicago. I like to call it one step below New York and one step above Milwaukee. Because Milwaukee really wasn't all that great. Anyways, it was just exquisite to escape the social deathtrap that is Orlando (even if it was only for the span of three days). Furthermore, the weather was phenomenally frigid in the great midwest (if you consider 30 degress "frigid").
So why was it, exactly, that my first weekend of the Thanksgiving holidays brought me up to Chicago, you may be wondering? Well rather than going into any further explanation, I may as well show you. Ob-serve...

As you can see, something was accomplished during that time. I would like to thank the lovely folks at Factor Women, and the photogapher by the name of Russ. I miss it all already. Anyhow, there is more to come seeing as these next six days or so are expected to be rather uneventful. Au revoir.

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