Thursday, July 15, 2010

we are not what you think we are, we are golden

we are told that the place we know first becomes us, and no matter how far from it we may roam, it always has its place in our heart. well, courtney lawrence... im sorry that that place for you has to be whorelando. but that's okay... WE MISSED YOU!
last night was brilliant in that i got to see my dear and lovely friend and eat at the very resturaunt that i would probably live, sleep, and give birth to my first child in (if you know me, i dont even have to mention that this place happens to be tijuana flats). not only this, but we also embarked on a very promising excursion to the dollar tree of metrowest (a very treacherous journey for a white girl, yes) and well... you can see the results yourself

and thats the way the cookie crumbles.
as to extend my perceptually pointless writings about life in all its calamities, i am pleased to inform the world that my chewbacca backpack buddy finally came in the mail. yes. i said it. i own a chewbacca backpack buddy.


i would assume its safe to say that this right here basically makes me the riteous ruler of the dr. phillips hipsters. so independent (hopefully you detected the sarcasm in that statement). but nonetheless, it makes me happy as a clam.
on another note, i have suddenly taken a liking to all things that are orange blossom trail. who new obt had so much to offer for a white girl? sure, prostitutes and weed are good and all, but goodwill and lollicup... scha-wing! it could either be that i dont get out enough, but aside from obt, i have come across some rather exquisite public figures in the past few days. observe...

a real-life hipster turning the corner at IKEA

a prominent symbolism that we live in a MURICAH

and so much more. and so i rest my case that its the little things that bring us true happiness. but hey... it dont hurt to be a little prospective. so long as i keep running, new york and chicago remain on the horizon, regardless of how distant they may be.
and so the continuation of my summer reading commences...
sianara, flaw-ri-duh.

Monday, July 12, 2010


happy... bitch?

love stephanie :)

it was all just technicolor

my my, it's been a fairly formidable amount of time that has passed since my last entry. my apologies. procrastination seems to get the best of me. but moving past the mundane formalities and big words and all, I am pleased to inform you that i finally fulfilled my dream of painting big-ass pictures on my bedroom walls. aside from a few mishappen endeavors and a rather large paint spill thanks to a miss stephanie dowling (hehe... bitch) i think it's safe to say that the process went rather well. this past week in general has been pretty solitary for my taste, but summer sometimes does that to you. in an attempt to sort through the highlights of my past few days... i had a lovely day in downtown with miss kelsey rudder, kari gardner, and mr. blake (the precise date of this adventure is obscure to me at the moment). i can also say with confidence that the past week has definitely been a week for photography.

suffice to say, i was pleased :)
and so now i sit in my newly painted and IKEA-furnished room (well... somewhat IKEA-furnished) and pet sir frankie... doing what I do best- procrastinatingggg (that would have sounded better in a sing-songy tone of voice). ah well. human story, let's get this show on the road. adios, muchachos.

Monday, July 5, 2010

the land of the free and the home of the brave

It is believed that the united states of america became free on the july the fourth, of a year that I care not to google at the moment just so I can sound more intelligent than I really am. While this is good and all, few of us dare to acknowledge this day as more than an excuse to kick back, pop open a heineken, and invite some cool cats, douchebags, and sluts to come to your place in their finest swimwear to get (for lack of a better word) "shwasted". Yes, I realize that independence day was yesterday, but I was too preoccupied to write about it when I should have, seeing as I was at the residency of the lovely nisa caban. To answer your impending, unasked questions however... no. I did not spend my day getting "shwasted" or tanning with douches or playing with fire. No, I chose to prance around with nisa neese and my four year old cousin in nothing but a bra and a tutu. And crawl through the neighborhood sewage system. And sweet jesus, was that fun or what. Many a photo was taken, and much was accomplished. I just thought I was entitled to share that, I being the owner of this internet property. That's the news for today, kids. Nothing more. I and my good cat sir frankie bid you a good evening.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

people are strange

the doors wrote a song about it. and with every song comes reason, as i'm sure you all know. this is entirely true. mentality is a mystery, incredulous as it may be. life has very funny ways of proving this phenomena to you. it can be a pleasant sort of encounter, or it can just bite you in the ass. i happened to previoulsy encounter the latter (and in a large concentration, mind you)... and my my, how people have their way of showing their complexities. here's the way i look at it: why expend the time and energy that is deceit? the only thing it does is give you this brief sort of self gratification, possibly a shortcut to the door of acceptance. it can sometimes get you out of a rock and a hard place, presenting itself as a seemingly wonderful opporunity. but when deciet is the path you take, you're going to piss a lot more people off and (quite frankly) create a hell of a lot more rocks. the correlation i am trying to get at is to me an vaque as it is to those of you who are reading this. there for, i probably just confused a lot of people. forgive me for that. this is just yet another observation i have made in regards to the human mentality. in the form of a very inevitable situation that i, regretably, was too vacuous to acknowledge. nah... vacuous isnt quite the word to suffice... more along the lines of misguided. optomistic. either way, even the best things in life have their way of proving to be a pretty little package encasing a ton of bullshit. that's the news for today folks. im legendary anchorman ron burgendy. stay classy, san diego (please pardon my use of copyright infringement)

Friday, July 2, 2010

oh florida, you tease

So i wake up (relatively early, being that i took the zzz at around 2am last evening), groggy and mild mannered, but with a peculiar desire to go for a run. and so run i did. what i really loved about the whole ordeal though was florida and its oh-so-predictable weather. you look outside thinking "awesome. cloudy as ever. its gonna be just so damn fantastic"... but oh wait. humidity like a dishwasher, and my lungs and screaming. just goes to show you that florida likes to play games. its kind of comparable to the enron conspiracy... a pretty little package on the outsides, but a hellhole within. HA. funny, the corallations you stumble upon when you have down time. just thought i'd share that.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

and so we begin...

why hello. as you can very clearly see, this post signifies the start of a little idea that came to this head of mine called a blog. my reason for commencing in the oh-so-indie pastime of blogging? Well... i'd give you a much more thorough and possibly snarky answer, but it's really just for kicks. if you can honestly tell me that the summer is a time when you are thoroughly entertained during the entirety of your days, then you are either a.) able to drive (unlike myself) b.) aiming toward valedictorian-ism c.) too socially involved for your own good or d.) a rich kid. Whichever way you choose to look at it though, boredom is an inevitable part of life. people choose to deal with it in various way, from what i have of human observances. while some turn their head from its impending gaze, as if its not even there, others stare it straight in the eye and defeat it with things like this. so here i am, typing away the words that float to this mind of mine. i apologize in advance for inconsistancy, obscurity, oddities, or general lack of focus, as these are very typical of my mentality. for those rare few of you who enjoy my mannerisms, this should be... familiar, to say the least. either way, welcome to a very unfamiliar place, ladies and gentlemen. you have now entered my thoughts.